Start Right
recent work
and projects
Start Right
recent work
and projects

A14 Scheme
Start Right supplied steel fixing labour and fixed over 4000 tonnes of steel on 11 bridges for the A14 junction 47a Haughley to 49 Tothill scheme. We completed 4 out of the 5 sections for various clients.

Bishop Stortford Bridges
Start Right provided the complete FRC package for Breheny Civil Engineering. This project consisted of building 3 bridges for the Bishop Stortford Eastern Neighbourhood.

Northern Distributor Road
Start Right supplied a steel fixing package on the NNDR (Norwich). This project consisted of completing the steel fixing works for 7 bridges.

HS2 Sublot 8
Start Right are currently reviewing their reinforcement drawings and liaising with designers for build ability and practicality to minimise any delays on site.

HS2 Maple Cross
Start Right provided steel fixing on HS2 Maple Cross. Fixed over 3000 tonnes within 2 years on various structures ranging from steel frame buildings, bridges and the TBM approach slabs and headwalls.

Start Right completed various jobs within the @OneAlliance group for various subcontractors, providing all of their FRC needs.